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professional certification artinya

contoh kalimat "professional certification"
  • How to get an SAP professional certification online?
    Bagaimana cara mendapatkan sertifikasi profesional SAP secara online?
  • Arfa Karim Randhawa – Youngest Microsoft Certified Professional Certification Winner
    Arfa Karim Randhawa – Peraih Sertifikasi Mic...
  • Seminar on The Importance of Professional Certification
    Seminar Pentingnya Sertifikasi Sistem Informasi untuk Dunia Usaha
  • Get Some Professional Certification in the Field of International Standard IT together in such a Us
    Dapatkan Beberapa Sertifikasi Profesi Bertaraf Internasional di Bidang IT Berasama Kami
  • The third and last course is Prince2 professional certification, endeavored by abnormal state supervisors.
    Kursus ketiga dan terakhir adalah sertifikasi profesional Prince2, diusahakan oleh pengawas negara yang tidak normal.
  • ? Laboratory technologist in Prodia was the first to acquire the competence certificate from Professional Certification National Board.
    ? Laboratory technologist di Prodia adalah yang pertama memperoleh sertifikat kompetensi dari Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP).
  • To become the leading, independent and trusted professional certification agency in creating competent human resources.
    Menjadi Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi pihak kesatu bidang Ritel di Indonesia yang UNGGUL, INDEPENDEN, DAN TERPERCAYA dalam menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten
  • When you pass the CCNA certification you can go for cutting edge certification which is CCNP or Cisco Certified Network Professional certification.
    Ketika Anda lulus sertifikasi CCNA Anda dapat pergi untuk sertifikasi terdepan yang merupakan sertifikasi CCNP atau Cisco Certified Network Professional.
  • The main tasks and functions of this department are to empower BPI’s stakeholders through member coaching program and facilitate their relationship with professional certification bodies.
    Tugas dan fungsi utama adalah memberdayakan pemangku kepentingan BPI melalui program pembinaan anggota dan memfasilitasi hubungan para pemangku kepentingan dengan lembaga sertifikasi profesi.
  • B. Improve the quality and standard of Rural Banks and Sharia Rural Banks human resources through professional certification programs for Rural Banks and Sharia Rural Banks bank directors 2005-2008
    b.Meningkatkan kualitas dan standar SDM BPR dan BPRS antara lain melalui program sertifikasi profesional bagi pengurus BPR dan BPRS 2005-2008
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